Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Best Site for Learning Guitar

There are as many guitars as people in my house, including a bass & and an electric. I've been noodling around with my daughter's old text book trying to teach myself for a couple of years. Last night I stayed up late learning to play "A Horse With No Name" from Guitar Noise.

Previously, any sites I've come across have been of the cheezy Learn to Play Guitar in 30 days for $59.99 type. This one is by a serious, apparently knowledgable teacher, who's giving it away for free. He breaks it down so that it's easy & fun to play something that sounds good quickly. That's the good news. The bad news is that he's giving it away in no particular order - he seemingly writes an article about whatever (chords, technique, songwriting) and posts it. So figuring out what to read/practise first can be a bit of a pain.

My suggestion is to read some of the Beginners articles, and then choose a song you like from the Beginner Songs section and have at 'er.


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